Sunday, August 29, 2010

OMG!!! Even The World Of Warcraft Is Not Spared…

I was in a battlegrounds game earlier when everyone in the team was discussing the upcoming Cataclysm expansion pack… After 20 or so seconds of friendly banter and “OMG!!! The new features are gonna be so cool”, RACISM reared its ugly head in the form of the following statement:

Racist Twat : Looks like all of them black dudes are gonna switch over to the alliance once the new expansion ships…

<no response from anyone – 3 sec pause>

Racist Twat : Because Worgen is Negrow backwards… 

(Note: I am not going to divulge the details / player ID of the offending RACIST PIG as I have already logged a ticket and I will let Blizzard deal with it)

I have to admit that remark caught me off guard and it just goes to show how ugly RACISM is…

Is this the sign of the times, that we so proudly speak of??? Is this the progress that we have strived to achieve through improvements in the education system???

If it is, the world is definitely going down the toilet…

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