Wednesday, October 06, 2010



Dead Rising 2 is very much like Dead Rising 1… So if you liked the first game you should like the second… So is that a good thing or bad thing??? Well it slides both ways really… Some will cry foul that it feels very much like Dead Rising 1.5 while some will just accept that Capcom is just refining a “tried and tested” formula…

Either way, you can help but feel that the game designers got lazy and decided to be really liberal with the “cut and paste”… The “cut and paste” spree doesn’t just include the environments and character models, it includes the bosses as well!!! Not convinced, well play the game and let me know if the family of rednecks and butcher from the first game remind you of any of the bosses from the second game… Hell even one particular NPC looks like Isabelle from the first game!!!

By now, it must seem that the game is nothing more than a soulless sequel put out to milk the fans for all their hard earned cash right??? Well not exactly, because unlike the first game, this one is best experienced with a friend!!! YES!!! There is multiplayer and it is AWESOME!!! Who would have thought that slaughtering zombies using everyday household items with a friend could be so satisfying???

So my advice to you aspiring zombie killers is to ignore all the negative reviews you see online about Dead Rising 2 and pick it up… Who knows there might be another zombie killer out there that needs your help…  

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