Friday, February 17, 2006

Halo 2 League Kicks Off Tonight...

Ta Ta Ta!!! The Halo 2 League kicks off tonight... The prizes thus far are still a little sparse but hey, thats not the eason I created the league anyway... it was just an excuse to play more games and to get everyone involved... a devious plan because now these guys think that they are playing for a purpose... hahahahahahaha... oh well better be on top of my game tonight... or its gonna look weird... organizer ending up at the bottom of the table...

Here's some info regarding the league...

Current Participants
1- yoroi360
2- I MobiusVyper I
3- liangwc
4- MasteRKost0N
5- PrivateJ0hn
6- MKA84
7- MarauderzMY
8- chinsc
9- CerebralRogue
10- Darkchaser
11- BansaiMY
12- ahbiao
13- ed1001
14- paanjang16
15- ah di
16- Merdeka
17- JUDGEthe
18- Mr.LKM
19- jeisern (jeisern) xlink kai only
20- Keantan (Keantan) xlink kai only

Prize List
1- 1 x RM30 Chilis Voucher (or Cash) - Sponsored by yoroi
2- 1 x RM20 Chilis Voucher (or Cash) - Sponsored by yoroi
3- 1 x carton of coca-cola - Sponsored by yoroi
4- 1 x Xbox360 tee shirt - Sponsored by yoroi
5- 1 x Xbox360 cap - Sponsored by yoroi
6- chinsc may sponsor some computer parts (TBC)
7- fendykoston may sponsor meds (TBC)
8- ed1001 may sponsor some game related merchandise (TBC)
9- ???????? from a ?????? sponsor

Game format for this friday (best of 3 to rank the players) tentatively 11pm...if no one can be the host i'll host

MLG Free For All (MLG FFA)
Score to win: 50
Round Time Limit: 20 Minutes
Suicide Penalty: 10 Seconds
Starting Weapon: Battle Rifle
Weapons on Map: HumanWeapon
Respawn Time: Double Time
Motion Sensor: Off*Map: Midship*
Leave the rest of the settings as is.

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