Monday, February 20, 2006

Play & Charge Kit...

Picked up a Play & Charge Kit on 17/2/2006 and I must say that while its a nice touch (the usb cable which is provided is a decent length, led notifies you that the controller is charging)... i.e. nice to have... it in itself is not an essential purpose...

The reason is a simple one... sure you can charge your wireless controller while you play on the 360 and sure you can even charge it on any usb port (even a soft-powered-down 360) but there are more economical and efficient means... i.e. purchasing a decent pack of rechargable batteries and a high-speed charger (most rechargable battery sets come with a charger and four batteries which means that out of the box you can charge enough batteries for two wireless controllers)... the only downside of this method is that the battery cover might become loose from all the opening and snaping together... I've also discovered that most rechargable batteries last as long as the battery pack that is bundled with the Play & Charge Kit, so performance is not an issue...

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