Monday, September 25, 2006

Weekend Warriors...

I know I said that I would post a picture of my super satisfying dinner when I got home from work on Saturday, but with all the halo 2 action that went on during the weekend I didn't have time to be honest... I'll do it when I get home from work tomorrow (er... I mean today)...

I won't be writing a post carnage report of the games as Mobiusvyper has already done so on his blog...
Mobiusvyper's report has to be taken with a pinch of salt as he has a habit of making everyone look good while downplaying his own achievements (the boy is too humble for his own good)... and although I have alot of respect for him, this is total bullcrap...

Why is the above bullcrap??? Well its simple really...

1- I'm no sticky master; and
2- He taught me how to play the game proper (and that includes sticking)...

So who is the real sticky master eh???

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