Friday, October 27, 2006


3 days and 8 phone calls later and my internet connection is still problematic... oh hold on, saying that it would be confusing, I should change the above statement to "3 days and 8 phone calls later and I am still unable to connect to the internet"... Excuses after being put on hold for 20 minutes range from "There is an outage in your area and it should be fixed within the next few hours", "Oh your modem is not on thats why cannot connect... ohh its on ah? Like this you must reset", "Its due to the rain boss... Heavy rain cannot connect one", "Undersea cable under repair" to "Its because you are not using XP"...

I applaud you technical support team of my ISP... Your country applauds you... now we know that the obscene amount of money the Government has spent on the IT infrastructure in our country has reaped dividends and produced the best IT support that money can buy... Why haven't we replaced the ultra reputable IT hub Silicon Valley is beyond me...

Well at least now I know that if anyone has the intellect of a turd he/she can readily get a job in the customer support division of my ISP...

It doesn't help that I'm having an ultra shitty day in the office and that I have to go out of town tomorrow...

The shit just keep on piling... Tomorrow's trip is a result of poor planning... Why do I say that you ask??? Well its simple... I was just at that location on Monday for the very same reason and the very same meetings... Its gonna be a hardcore case of de ja vu... I know what you're thinking... Didn't I tell them that I was gonna be there on Monday??? Yes I did... they even provided me with all the reports for my meetings... so whats up with these idiots??? I seriously need to lie down... my chest is on fire and I can't breathe...

Technorati Tags: pay4lei, blog, Gamers Hideout, ahbiao, ed1001, Djinn, yoroi360

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