Monday, October 09, 2006


I can't believe I left out pics of ahbiao!!! I just hope no one has a bitch fit...

Sidenote: The pics are slightly clearer because they were shot with a different cam phone... Techno lust overpowered me again (Yes mom... I know I am a gadget whore... I tried to resist, but it was too hard)...

Well in my defence I would like to state for the record that I never planned to get a new phone... honest!!! Its true!!! Well it was like this, Jeanie needed a new phone, and urm Vincent knew this guy that could get a good deal on Nokia phones... so we went off to Klang... Jeanie spent some time mulling over the N73 and N80 and finally got the N80... I was bored and looked at the N93 and then it happened... I heard this voice in my head... its true... clear as day it was... it told me to buy it so that some Finnish chap could keep his job... Wanting to do the right thing... I complied...

Before anyone starts bitching about the vulgar price of the N93, please be reminded that Vincent got us a good deal and they accepted my 6680 as part payment for the new phone... So I didn't spend that much...

Technorati Tags: pay4lei, blog, Gamers Hideout, ahbiao, ed1001, Djinn, yoroi360, Nokia, N80, N73, N93, Vincent, Jeanie

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