Friday, November 03, 2006

Busy Busy Busy...

Its been a mad mad week so far... lots of things are happening at work and I'm having trouble with several projects... The travelling has been intense and I haven't had a decent night's sleep in quite some time... I'm basically surviving on sugar from soda pop and thoughts of putting my enemies in a blender... well not so much my enemies but some people from work...

On the plus side, I've managed to clock in some gaming time this week as I get home from work late and although the body is tired, the mind can't shut down... Have been playing the two recent additions (Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Splinter Cell : Double Agent) to my collection as one consists on zombie-like senseless violence (always good after late nights in the office and you're pissed with the incompetent twat that thinks he knows better) and the other well orchestrated mind-game-like violence (its a better experience if you play Splinter Cell stealthily but I'm in a pissy mood so let me be)...

Now that I think about it, why is my body being so bitchy with me??? I mean I'm really tired when I get home, but for some obscure reason, the mind is active like a RM 2 whore when sailors are on shore leave... So in other words I get home dog tired but the brain won't switch off and let me go to sleep... Why??? Why??? Why??? Maybe its because our brains come equipped with some macabre sense of humour... Some built-in mechanism that f*cks with us that shows us what true pain is...

Or... my situation could just be the result of an over-active imagination... Who knows???

Anyway, Jeanie's product launch just concluded, so the weight is off her shoulders... Looks like she can get some much needed rest... I on the other hand will have to go out of town for an event on Sunday morning... there goes my only day of rest... I nearly blew my top when I found out that I had to go out of town again but thankfully, I found this website that has this shockwave version of Quake 3 complete with bots and sound effects...

Oh well, it looks like I'm gonna get screwed this weekend, so I might as well start bending over now...

Technorati Tags: pay4lei, blog, yoroi360

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