Thursday, February 08, 2007

Its Launched!!!

Haven't really had time to talk about last weekend's Windows Vista launch @ Lowyat Plaza, due to being swamped at work and kicking arse in MUA... So after much procrastination here is my take on the whole thing... (Oh before I proceed any further here's a big shout-out to Marauderz, Calvinz360 (and partner) and other associates for joining in the festivities)...

I had been waiting for the launch of Windows Vista for ages and when it finally came, it felt strange... Why did it feel strange??? Well for starters I always thought the launch would be a more robust affair (i.e. lots of passionate users, a large showing by the local developer community, etc) but it turns out the only thing that was robust was the obnoxiously loud music!!! Argh!!! My dream OS being attacked by loud rap music!!! Imagine the rage I felt... Why couldn't they get some mainstream pop artists... Some happy and upbeat music would have been nice...

Hmmm it was also interesting to note that this was the first launch I attended where we didn't get any swag bags... Nothing... Zip... ZERO!!! We want freebies at launches!!! If anyone is reading this, some t-shirts would be nice HAHAHAHAHAHA...

On a lighter note it was good to see that there were significant discounts for Windows Vista purchases over the course of the weekend... Nothing screams impulse purchase like a significant discount... Hehehehehehe... Oh in case you are wondering what the RRP for the different versions of Vista are like, you may refer to the table below (done by Marauderz because I was too lazy to do my own)

Edition Full Ver Upgrade Ver
Home Basic RM859 RM446
Home Premium RM1020 RM686
Business RM1271 RM855
ULTIMATE!!! RM1703 RM1118
Table by Marauderz @

The presentations were pretty well done... Most of the more user skewed features were covered in a clear and concise manner... Although a litle too much time was spent on the video wall hehehehehehehe...

It was also nice to see a sizeable crowd at the venue... Not thousands but still a crowd large enough to do the launch justice...

Well regardless of the shortcomings, Vista is still my number 1 OS choice... Have you upgraded??? Upgrade now!!!

Oh by the way, here's a video that Marauderz shot of the launch...

Video: Malaysia's Vista Launch Event

Technorati Tags: pay4lei, blog, yoroi360, vista

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