Monday, March 26, 2007


Note: It has just occurred to me that my post on the movie 300 is missing... Good thing I saved the post on my hdd...

300 (the movie) is based on Frank Miller's graphic novel/comics of the same name which recounts the heroic efforts of 300 Spartan warriors (and their fiesty King Leonidas - potrayed by Gerald Butler in the movie) against the bitchingly large Persian army (and their God King Xerxes) in the Battle of Thermopylae (480 B.C.)...

Although some artistic liberties have been lent to the movie, it is safe to say that we can learn some very important lessons from the semi-historical account...

1 - Specialisation is the way to go... the reason the Spartan soldiers were so badass is they were trained in one system and for one job function... to be efficient soldiers... So stop trying to be the jack of all trades and have some focus...

2 - Teamwork is everything... sure sure you are a badass, but you live a hell alot longer if someone is watching your back... Life is not all about individualistic glory, so get all those notions of you being the alpha male out of your head and work together with your friends, co-workers, family, etc. to sort out the task at hand...

3 - Old leary men will always hire the hottest young things that they can find... Why??? So that they can ogle their tits and grope them at work... Remember the Oracle anyone??? Now you know why the big ups at work always have the hottest young secretaries... Heck man its been practiced from ancient times... so who are you to change it???

4 - Beware the weird small dude that has his eye on you all the time... This could be the guy at work, the guy at your condo, the guy where you have your daily lunch etc. for he knows enough about what you do to screw you in the ass... Hmm looks like I've got to be very careful when I pass the mail room in my office... For all I know, the damn admin dude could be plotting against me...

The movie is also nothing short of inspirational and bombards us with the same message over and over again... "If you got the balls to stand up for what you believe in, you will make a damn difference"... Beautiful.. Don't you think???

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