Thursday, March 22, 2007

Those Were The Days...

One of the guys that I've been playing with (on xbl since day one) asked me an interesting question last night before I went off to grind in enchanted arms... He asked "What happened to the days when it was all about fun???"...

It was interesting that he brought up the whole things as I thought I was the only one that noticed that the whole local scene was getting alot darker and anal retentive (so its not all in my mind afterall :P)... it seems that the scene is not about fun anymore... its all about winning and pride... Its all about the n00bs and the phearing the 1337...

In other words, "Why in the flying fuck are these guys taking the games so seriously???"... its comical sometimes to watch these idiots ramble on about their contributions and victories against the unseen enemy, when in reality they are just a bunch of fat fucks squinting their beady eyes in front of their damn puny ass monitors dreaming that their 1337 gaming skills will get them laid... I applaud you hot tempered rice dicks!!! I applaud your virtual victories and the images of grandeur that you paint in your impressionable minds...

It is no wonder that some of us either keep trimming our friend's lists or keep them unaltered since day one... Its not that we are unpopular and we can't attract more friends, its just that we rather stick with the same bunch (at least we know that unlike most fuckers they actually have a sense of humour and actually care more about playing than winning or losing) than take a chance with the new bunch of gamers...

And before you bitches even get swollen-headed and think that I am ranting about you, you dumbfucks obviously think too highly of yourselves... This is a general post... learn to read bitches...

Technorati tags: pay4lei, blog, yoroi360, xbox360

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