Give people an inch and they'll take a mile... It goes on everywhere... you see it on our roads, restaurants, shopping malls, office etc... you show people some courtesy and they'll eagerly jump on you like you're a doormat...
Sad to say, you can even see it on blogs... I was reading Blinkymummy's blog earlier, and I must say that the comments posted by some of the readers of her blog are off-putting to say the least... It has degenerated into a bloody cess-pool of name-calling and who knows what else... comments posted are far from constructive or useful and seem only to serve the purpose of protecting the poster's self interests (or to put down the other readers)... You can read her take on the whole "comment thing" on her blog... its the entry titled "This is Our Shite Hole"...
This post is not an attack on any of the readers who have posted comments on her blog, but merely a rant on the blatant abuse of freedoms of speech and expression...
Technorati Tags: gamertag,Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur,Yoroi360, Blog
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