Saturday, March 04, 2006

A Fruitful Night...

It was a fruitful night on Xbox Live last night... had the Halo 2 orgy (14 games in total)... walked away with 36 bone crackers, 34 assassins, 3 stick its, 2 killing sprees, 10 double kills, 3 sniper kills, 1 car jacking and 1 triple kill... picked up a couple tricks, had some laughs and basically had a good time...

However, it wasn't the same without MauraderzMY's high-pitched 'Xena Warrior Princess' screams, MasterK0ston's dark humour, Merdeka's singing or ed1001's swearing...

The 'King of Teleportation' put up a stellar performance as always (note: we call ahbiao, the 'King of Teleportation' because he seems to randomly appear all over the map due to problems with his broadband connection)...

paanjang16 was on last night after a 4 week hiatus and that injected a little variety into the games... ah di and Cerebralrogue were also on but only for a couple games...

It was a fruitful night for HexicHD as well... A new high score breaking the 100k mark (survival mode) was posted on the leaderboards... YAY!!! I know most people are posting scores running into millions and millions but I suck, so this is a big deal (have to admit that most of the work in procuring this score was done by Jeanie)...

Won't be gaming tonight as I'm off to Ipoh after work... Gonna visit my Grandma tomorrow morning... Like I said, she better be happy and well taken care of, or heads are gonna roll when I get back...

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