Friday, December 22, 2006


Warning: Rant ahead

The disclaimer about the experience (of a game) possibly changing during online play that pops up during startup (of all xbox live enabled games), has never been more true until yesterday night... I would not say that I am the most patient person alive, but I am still fairly patient... so it irks me when I get "friends" who ask for help to accomplish a particular objective but choose not to follow instructions... they choose not to follow instructions because they "assume" they know everything... but if they knew "everything", why do they need my help then??? Confused??? So am I...

For instance, "Friend A" needed some help with an achivement in PGR3... the photographer achievement to be exact... Not to be overly critical I think the instructions to get the achievement were fairly straight forward... "take a picture in every city" it says... so imagine my surprise when I get a frantic call from my friend-in-need saying that he needs me to walk him through the entire process... So there I was telling him how I got my achievement... I believe that I was fairly descriptive and I was as patient as anyone could be... but what does he do??? he cuts me off not once but five times because he apparently knows how to get it done... ok champion oh champions its been 24 hours since you called me last night, and you have been playing PGR3 non stop, so how come you don't have the damn achievement yet??? Answer: Because your head is too big and you can't listen to others... more importantly its because you can't read for shit... thats why I feel so comfortable in blogging about the whole scenario... because you can't read... plain and simple... you are probably one of those guys that walks to a "cash only" counter at the supermarket hoping to pay with your credit card...

However, the above was not as good as the scenario I faced a couple hours later... I was playing a public GOW game and some Brit joined... note: he joined the game... as in he wasn't invited... he could plainly see that the host of the game was from Singapore... so its fair to say that even with the wealth of information available to him, he still chose to join the game on his own free will... but what does this fine specimen from England do??? He not only bitches about the lag... He starts spewing profanity and having a hissy fit just like some two dollar whore who doesn't get any customers... Not only does this throw the general notion that Brits are the most polite people on the planet... it shows you that sometimes that kids are not necessarily the immature ones... not only have I played with 16 year olds... but "polite" 16 year olds... So I guess the notion that they are obnoxious little freaks on XBL is out of the window as well...

Fast forward another couple hours and I am party to another scenario... This time we have a player who is "overly polite"... Before you get your panties up in knots by thinking I have no idea what I want, please reserve judgement until you read the next few lines... I was playing a team deathmatch game with this player and after the 3 rounds (which we won), he apologised because he had the lowest number of kills... I was gonna open my mouth and say "Hey we all did our part" or "Hey man its just a game" or "Well we still won anyway dude so don't worry" but before I could, he floors me by saying "I am playing terribly right now because of the lag... I am normally more 1337... Just check out my GOW ranked match achivements... if there was no lag I would have kicked all their asses while you guys just sit there and do nothing"... Urm I am no network engineer or expert in the field but I guess that he should have stuck to lan gaming if he wanted to have relatively "lag free" games... I mean think about it... Logging on the internet/XBL with hopes of playing a lag free game??? Some people clearly have their heads in their ass...

End of rant

Technorati Tags: pay4lei, blog, yoroi360, whore, gamerscore, xbox, 360, gs, XBL

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