Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Have You Wondered...

Have you ever wondered as to what kind of world / environment we're living in??? I wouldn't go all out and say that things have taken a nosedive compared to a couple decades ago but I dare say that some things are not quite right...

Whats not right in the world today??? Well here are some prime examples...

  1. 30 year olds using kids half their age to boost for achievements on XBL (if you must know, yes I know of 30 year olds that really resort to such behaviour... I'm barely 28 so it can't be me)...
  2. Adults forcing their kids to pretend that they are below 12 years of age, so that they qualify as kids during buffets (I know all you guys see this alot... and I mean alot... Heck I was told to pretend that I was 12 all the way till I was 15)...
  3. Binge drinking and then vomitting all over the place (this behaviour can't be tolerated as it is an utter waste of $$$ and booze... if they just wanted to vomit all over the place, ingesting some leftovers that have been sitting in their fridge for months is not only more effective, its cheaper as well)...
  4. This "missed call syndrome"... What is it??? This refers to all those annoying little sh*ts that give you "missed calls" on your cellphones in hopes that you will call them back... The thing is, if they did it once or twice it will still be ok... but these guys have turned it into an art form and use this method as their primary means of communication (Gabes if you read really carefully, you'd know that I am in fact bitching about you... remember you are not over sensitive, I am BITCHING about you)...
  5. All those evo's and beng rockets on the road (Come on guys make up your minds... If you wanted an evo, you should have bought an evo in the first place... because all those decals and mods that scream evo x won't turn your junk into anything but an evo zero... as for those that mod their cars to look like spaceships, try getting a job with NASA, I heard they need engineers)...
  6. Puny steaks (Rule no 1, never ever screw with a man's steak, especially mine... a steak is supposed to be at least an inch and a half thick and its supposed to bleed a little when cut... so if you gonna dump a dry slice of beef no thicker than a couple pieces of paper and call it a steak, please forgive me if I kick your ass)...
  7. All those guys who think they are fiddy (50 cent) or some other rap star (Ok I'll admit the clothes look the part and playing dress up is fine... but please use the voices your momma gave you and not some accent you picked up from the many hours of MTV)...
Have you noticed anything out of place??? Let me know....

Technorati Tags: pay4lei, blog, yoroi360,50, cent, steak, buffet , sarcasm, kids, XBL, boost, achievements

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