Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Dog Tired...

Last week was just mad... Monday was a blur of meetings and headaches (with the only redeeming factor being Jeanie arriving from Beijing at 4.10 pm)... Tuesday till Friday was spent in Medan (Sumatera) with 2 bus loads of clients and their families (pics will be uploaded later)... Saturday was another blur of meetings and headaches, and Sunday was an event in a local hotel...

Thankfully, yesterday was a public holiday (Sultan of Selangor's Birthday) and I managed to get some rest and spend some time with Jeanie... We even managed to squeeze in some personal ("me" time)... Jeanie spent a couple hours in the spa getting pampered while I spent a couple hours on XBL getting slaughtered...

This week is going to be insane as well...

Will be going out of town again from Thursday till Saturday... and I haven't even gotten the schedule yet... damn this is gonna be fun... all I know that there will be a 110 participants excluding myself and two other co-workers... I just hope that the participants are in good spirits and not suffering from their monthly "aunty" visits...

Oh... Its my birthday as well this week, and I'll be 28... Yes the big 28... gone are the decandent parties, the binge drinking and the company of plethora of ladies... instead I'll be working... But don't let that stop you, you can celebrate on my behalf!!!

Technorati Tags: pay4lei, blog, yoroi360,medan, sumatera, indonesia, holiday , selangor, sultan, XBL, birthday, party, ladies

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