Thursday, January 11, 2007

Up... Down... Up... Down...

Relax... I've not turned into an econonomist overnight... I was not talking about share prices but rather the fact that I have been driving up and down the highway for the past two consecutive days... its been two hours down south and two hours back up north per day and I must say that its gotten me a little worn out... the thing that's a kick in the pants is, I get to do the same thing again tomorrow... Hooray (not)!!!

Jeanie will be driving up and down the highway as well over the next couple days as she has several events arranged up north...

The quality of services in my area has been going up and down as well... take the internet and postal services for instance...

Internet at home has also been spotty at best... didn't manage to connect at all last night but it seemed ok this morning... Managed to download the two news maps for GOW and the accompanying theme before I left for work, got both downloads (98 mb + 4 mb = 102 mb) done in about 10 mins... hopefully it holds up tonight so I can get some gaming done... I also need a connection to the internet tonight as I need to pay some bills online... Well you might think that its wrong to bitch about the internet connection in light of the recent earthquake but let me assure you fellow readers, earthquake or not, the ISP I use has to step up their game and offer a service that is on par with its subcription charges...

Postal services have been crazy as well, I've not been getting any mail for the past two weeks (which is weird because that when I normally receive my bills every month)... I just hope that the postman doesn't come over one day and just dump a whole pile of letters outside my door because he finally decided to get off his arse and do his job...

Technorati Tags: pay4lei, blog, yoroi360, highway, GOW, xbox360, postman, earthquake, Taiwan

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