Friday, February 23, 2007

Its A Riot...

Picked up Riot Act / Crackdown last night and I just have to say... IT ROCKS!!! The demo doesn't do the retail version justice... Its much much better, everything looks great, the controls are responsive, the ai is vastly improved, the audio is excellent and there is just so much to do!!! Did I mention that it ships with a chance to try out the halo 3 beta as well??? Sweetness!!! (note: the halo 3 beta starts in Spring)

However, there are some minor nuisances... For starters, the online co-op play leaves a lot to be desired as the joins and drops are not as seamless as it could be... Think GOW... now that game had a good system... you could really join a game in progress...

Next, there are some clipping and issues... although its not that bad no one appreciates being stuck in mid air...

Also, whats up with the disappearng cars... I got a little peeved last night as I was chasing a car and "POOF" it just vanished before my very eyes... Whats up with that???

Minor issues aside, the game is great fun and a good distraction... Agility and hidden orb hunting is great fun too... This is one of the few games that actually make you feel like a real secret agent / hero... A definite must buy in my books!!!

Technorati Tags: pay4lei, blog, yoroi360, xbox360, Riot Act

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