Sunday, March 11, 2007


Been puking for 2 damn days and it still hasn't let up... didn't sleep a fucking wink last night as I was practically camping in the toilet... now I know why I see sofas in the bathrooms of some houses... throughout this experience I have learned that, there are several kinds of puke (by several kinds I am referring to the consistency)...

1- Solid puke (the first few hours of day 1)

The usual stuff, mostly solids and in this case the Tempura Box that I had while having some ice green (yes its ice green, its not a typo... I am giving you a clue as to which shop decided to fucking poison me... I hope these motherfuckers lose RM 100 for every drop of vomit that I have expelled)... It is interesting to note that this form of puking doesn't hurt that much (as in its easy on the throat)...

2- Mousse puke (4 hours into day 1)

Now this is some nasty shit... The solids are almost gone... but it has like a mousse like consistency... I was told that its like that because of the bile or stomach acid... And this one hurts like a bitch... After two hours of this, I had completely lost my voice...

3- Syrup puke (After mousse puke till present day)

Now this is top class... there are zero solids, the puke is clear like saliva (just slightly thicker like syrup) but it hurts like a bitch squared... Its like some asshole decided to run broken glass up and down my throat... This form of puke is also accompanied by a blinking fever...

Are there any more kinds of puke??? Well only time will tell.. Till then I will continue cursing those damn ice green motherfuckers...

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