Monday, March 12, 2007


It seems that I was destined to discover other kinds of puke... I have discovered:

4- 100 Plus puke (after every mouthful of 100 Plus)

Its pretty self explanatory actually, when you get food poisoning, your doctor will advice you to take some rehydrating salts to restore your internal body balance blah blah... but unlike the awful tasting oralites, 100 Plus actually tastes good and does the same job (that is assuming you manage to keep it down)... Whats so special about 100 Plus puke??? Well not only does it come out looking like how it went in (except much warmer) it also comes out with fizz!!! If thats not amazing, I dunno what is... Oooh and on the plus side, it doesn't hurt one bit...

5- Mineral water puke (at regular intervals)

Now this is in a class of its own... This puke doesn't come out in a regular stream... It comes out in spurts, hence it hurts like a bitch... the pain is similar to heartburn in some aspects because your chest feels constricted and feels like its gonna burst from some pressure build-up... The weird thing about this puke is that it actually comes out cold... I kid you not...

Hmmmm if you think the above is weird, wait till you take a dump and all that comes out of your asshole is liquid...

Thank you ice green motherfuckers...

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