Monday, March 19, 2007

God Of War 2...

Beginning of rant... I am retyping this entry again, because my blog provider decided to go cuckoo and delete my post... End of rant...

Finally got my hands on God of War 2 and its AWESOME... the game mechanics didn't change much (thats a good thing... why mess with something that works so well???)...

There's lots of baddies for "Mr Angry" (Kratos) to kill and even more ways to send em to Hades... One minor complaint though, the baddies a little lethargic and offer very little in the form of resistance... the revised combo meter is a nice touch though...

The puzzles however, assume that players have the attention span of an amoeba... gone are the truly expansive puzzles... now all you need so solve a puzzle is no further than 3 screens in any direction...

Overall, a good game... a definite must buy and fitting swan song for the ps2...

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