Monday, March 19, 2007

Windows Live Writer + Blogger...

After my God of War 2 post vanished last night, I resorted to using Windows Live Writer to republish the said post... The first few minutes of WLW were FANTASTIC!!! The interface was a familiar one, there was drag and drop editing and it really simplified the blogging process or so I thought...

Then came the point where I had to finish up my post by adding the picture, Blogger labels and Technorati tags... Adding the picture and the Technorati tags were simple as there were relevant options on the right portion of the interface... There however, was no option to insert Blogger labels... A couple searches later, it was clear that there was no solution, hack or plugin available that allowed such functionality to be incorporated into WLW at this time...

Therefore, I decided to let this slide and publish my post and add the labels later... thats when I saw an error message... Apparently, WLW only allows pictures to be uploaded via ftp... and you guessed it, Blogger doesn't support picture uploads via ftp... A search on the matter yielded negative results...

So what does this mean??? This means that I had to login to Blogger to actually finish up my post... WLW was only good for the text... Then again if I wanted to do the text, notepad would have been adequate...

Sigh... I guess no matter how robust WLW is, I will have to wait until the issues with Blogger are addressed... Its redundant to login to Blogger to add the labels and to add pictures, so I might as well stick with the web ui and hope the autosave works...

Credits: Marauderz for teling me about Windows Live Writer... It seems that I won't be churning out epics like you thought I would...

Technorati Tags: pay4lei, blog, yoroi360, Blogger, Windows Live Writer