Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Different Expectations...

Warning : Rant

What do you women want??? Lets be honest, have you really thought about it??? Think about it before you answer because what you say now may not necessarily be the same thing that you want in a couple years... while this is especially true for women, the inverse is true for men... Am I saying that women are fickle??? No I am not... I am merely saying that most women are confused as to what they really want because they never give it much thought... men on the other hand know pretty much what they want from day one and this hardly changes throughout their lives...

Not convinced??? Well lets have a little fun shall we??? Imagine the following scenario...

When a woman first meets Mr Right, she is sure that he is a prize catch... a god amongst men even... She graciously accepts him for what he is and would do anything to make him happy... Mr Right can do no wrong and all is bliss...

Fast forward six months, Mr Right becomes a good catch with a few minor flaws... the hint of a pot belly that used to be cute is now a sign of a poor commitment to exercise... the jokes have become tasteless and his friends have become a pain...

Moved up another six months, Mr Right's status is revoked to Mr So-Right-A-Year-Ago... the woman starts displaying displeasure openly... the woman also laments as to how things were so right a year ago (note this is not a quiet process as the bitching is normally frequent and loud)...

I won't bother going on as I'm sure you get it by now... it is not that the man has changed but rather, the expectations of the woman has... the expectations begin to differ as time moves on and it eventually comes to a point when nothing matches...

Men however, are more steadfast... we just want food, to be looked after and indulge in our little toys / hobbies (yes whiskey is a hobby too)...

End of rant

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